DesireLoww's Live Bikini Sex Cam Show

I enjoy when you make nice comments about my body, I want to hear that it turns you on to see me, I love to wear sexy lingerie and captivate people into wanting to orgasm with me. I can give you a good blowjob, submissive play, cum in my pussy. it makes me so horny when you tell me my ass makes you horny, when you want to take your time and play with me being explicit with your words, mmmm, I can imagine it all. It also turns me off and gets me sad not saying good bye at the end of our private date. I get pretty upset and don’t feel into the mood to keep going with the show not knowing anything about you... I am a sweet woman, willing to give a lot of love and attention, as well as pleasure and fun times, I am 30 years old, I like to learn about other cultures and have good conversations....

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Last Performance: Sat, Dec 21, 17:12
  • Name DesireLoww
  • Gender latina
  • Age 30
  • Build Muscular
  • Hair Length Long
  • Hair Color Black
  • Stars 5
  • Preference Straight
  • Eye Color Brown
  • Cup Size B
  • Ethnicity Hispanic
  • Language(s) English,Spanish
